Commit c96ff0fd authored by Dylan Smith's avatar Dylan Smith Committed by Alexandre Julliard

richedit: Remove always FALSE parameter from ME_PaintContent.

(cherry picked from commit 18fa3287)
parent 63333706
......@@ -4463,7 +4463,7 @@ static LRESULT RichEditWndProc_common(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
ps.rcPaint.right = editor->rcFormat.right;
ME_PaintContent(editor, hDC, FALSE, &ps.rcPaint);
ME_PaintContent(editor, hDC, &ps.rcPaint);
EndPaint(editor->hWnd, &ps);
return 0;
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void ME_MarkAllForWrapping(ME_TextEditor *editor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_SetDefaultParaFormat(PARAFORMAT2 *pFmt) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* paint.c */
void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, BOOL bOnlyNew, const RECT *rcUpdate) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, const RECT *rcUpdate) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_Repaint(ME_TextEditor *editor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_RewrapRepaint(ME_TextEditor *editor) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_UpdateRepaint(ME_TextEditor *editor, BOOL update_now) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(richedit);
static void ME_DrawParagraph(ME_Context *c, ME_DisplayItem *paragraph);
void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, BOOL bOnlyNew, const RECT *rcUpdate)
void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, const RECT *rcUpdate)
ME_DisplayItem *item;
ME_Context c;
......@@ -71,17 +71,14 @@ void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, BOOL bOnlyNew, const RECT *
ys -= item->member.para.pCell->member.cell.yTextOffset;
if (!bOnlyNew || (item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REPAINT))
/* Draw the paragraph if any of the paragraph is in the update region. */
if (ys < rcUpdate->bottom && ye > rcUpdate->top)
/* Draw the paragraph if any of the paragraph is in the update region. */
if (ys < rcUpdate->bottom && ye > rcUpdate->top)
ME_DrawParagraph(&c, item);
/* Clear the repaint flag if the whole paragraph is in the
* update region. */
if (rcUpdate->top <= ys && rcUpdate->bottom >= ye)
item->member.para.nFlags &= ~MEPF_REPAINT;
ME_DrawParagraph(&c, item);
/* Clear the repaint flag if the whole paragraph is in the
* update region. */
if (rcUpdate->top <= ys && rcUpdate->bottom >= ye)
item->member.para.nFlags &= ~MEPF_REPAINT;
item = item->member.para.next_para;
......@@ -94,15 +91,6 @@ void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, BOOL bOnlyNew, const RECT *
rc.bottom = c.rcView.bottom;
rc.right = c.rcView.right;
if (bOnlyNew)
/* Only erase region drawn from previous call to ME_PaintContent */
if (editor->nTotalLength < editor->nLastTotalLength)
rc.bottom = + editor->nLastTotalLength;
IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, rcUpdate);
if (!IsRectEmpty(&rc))
......@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@ void ME_InvalidateMarkedParagraphs(ME_TextEditor *editor)
+ item->member.para.nHeight - ofs,
ITextHost_TxInvalidateRect(editor->texthost, &rc, TRUE);
item->member.para.nFlags &= ~MEPF_REPAINT;
item = item->member.para.next_para;
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