Commit d7b5c0b1 authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcrt: Fix %f format handling in printf so it works with big floats.

parent 5e9ee3b9
......@@ -535,6 +535,19 @@ int FUNC_NAME(pf_printf)(FUNC_NAME(puts_clbk) pf_puts, void *puts_ctx, const API
} else if(flags.Format && strchr("aeEfgG", flags.Format)) {
char float_fmt[20], buf_a[32], *tmp = buf_a, *decimal_point;
int max_len = (flags.FieldLength>flags.Precision ? flags.FieldLength : flags.Precision) + 10;
double val = pf_args(args_ctx, pos, VT_R8, valist).get_double;
if(flags.Format=='f') {
if(val>-10.0 && val<10.0)
i = 1;
i = 1 + log10(val<0 ? -val : val);
/* Default precision is 6, additional space for sign, separator and nullbyte is required */
i += (flags.Precision==-1 ? 6 : flags.Precision) + 3;
if(i > max_len)
max_len = i;
if(max_len > sizeof(buf_a))
tmp = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, max_len);
......@@ -543,7 +556,7 @@ int FUNC_NAME(pf_printf)(FUNC_NAME(puts_clbk) pf_puts, void *puts_ctx, const API
FUNC_NAME(pf_rebuild_format_string)(float_fmt, &flags);
sprintf(tmp, float_fmt, pf_args(args_ctx, pos, VT_R8, valist).get_double);
sprintf(tmp, float_fmt, val);
if(toupper(flags.Format)=='E' || toupper(flags.Format)=='G')
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