Commit 0aa72d88 authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcrt: Add support for vtordispex demangling.

parent 501d60b0
......@@ -1315,6 +1315,9 @@ static void test_demangle(void)
/* 124 */ {"??_9CView@@$BBII@AE",
"[thunk]: __thiscall CView::`vcall'{392,{flat}}' }'",
"[thunk]: __thiscall CView::`vcall'{392,{flat}}' "},
/* 125 */ {"?_dispatch@_impl_Engine@SalomeApp@@$R4CE@BA@PPPPPPPM@7AE_NAAVomniCallHandle@@@Z",
"[thunk]:public: virtual bool __thiscall SalomeApp::_impl_Engine::_dispatch`vtordispex{36,16,4294967292,8}' (class omniCallHandle &)",
int i, num_test = (sizeof(test)/sizeof(test[0]));
char* name;
......@@ -1113,12 +1113,15 @@ static BOOL handle_method(struct parsed_symbol* sym, BOOL cast_op)
* "$4" public: thunk vtordisp
* "$5" public: thunk vtordisp
* "$B" vcall thunk
* "$R" thunk vtordispex
accmem = *sym->current++;
if (accmem == '$')
if (*sym->current >= '0' && *sym->current <= '5')
access_id = (*sym->current - '0') / 2;
else if (*sym->current == 'R')
access_id = (sym->current[1] - '0') / 2;
else if (*sym->current != 'B')
goto done;
......@@ -1136,7 +1139,7 @@ static BOOL handle_method(struct parsed_symbol* sym, BOOL cast_op)
if (accmem == '$' || (accmem - 'A') % 8 == 6 || (accmem - 'A') % 8 == 7)
access = str_printf(sym, "[thunk]:%s", access ? access : " ");
if (accmem == '$' && *sym->current >= '0' && *sym->current <= '5')
if (accmem == '$' && *sym->current != 'B')
member_type = "virtual ";
else if (accmem <= 'X')
......@@ -1154,19 +1157,38 @@ static BOOL handle_method(struct parsed_symbol* sym, BOOL cast_op)
name = get_class_string(sym, 0);
if (accmem == '$' && *sym->current++ == 'B') /* vcall thunk */
if (accmem == '$' && *sym->current == 'B') /* vcall thunk */
const char *n = get_number(sym);
const char *n;
n = get_number(sym);
if(!n || *sym->current++ != 'A') goto done;
name = str_printf(sym, "%s{%s,{flat}}' }'", name, n);
has_args = FALSE;
has_ret = FALSE;
else if (accmem == '$' && *sym->current == 'R') /* vtordispex thunk */
const char *n1, *n2, *n3, *n4;
sym->current += 2;
n1 = get_number(sym);
n2 = get_number(sym);
n3 = get_number(sym);
n4 = get_number(sym);
if(!n1 || !n2 || !n3 || !n4) goto done;
name = str_printf(sym, "%s`vtordispex{%s,%s,%s,%s}' ", name, n1, n2, n3, n4);
else if (accmem == '$') /* vtordisp thunk */
const char *n1 = get_number(sym);
const char *n2 = get_number(sym);
const char *n1, *n2;
n1 = get_number(sym);
n2 = get_number(sym);
if (!n1 || !n2) goto done;
name = str_printf(sym, "%s`vtordisp{%s,%s}' ", name, n1, n2);
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