Commit 31ef9924 authored by Dmitry Kislyuk's avatar Dmitry Kislyuk Committed by Alexandre Julliard

vbscript: Improve parsing of separators in functions and classes.

parent 3d505b12
......@@ -396,29 +396,29 @@ PrimaryExpression
| tME { $$ = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_ME, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
: tCLASS Identifier tNL ClassBody tEND tCLASS tNL { $4->name = $2; $$ = $4; }
: tCLASS Identifier StSep ClassBody tEND tCLASS StSep { $4->name = $2; $$ = $4; }
: /* empty */ { $$ = new_class_decl(ctx); }
| FunctionDecl tNL ClassBody { $$ = add_class_function(ctx, $3, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
: /* empty */ { $$ = new_class_decl(ctx); }
| FunctionDecl StSep ClassBody { $$ = add_class_function(ctx, $3, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
/* FIXME: We should use DimDecl here to support arrays, but that conflicts with PropertyDecl. */
| Storage tIdentifier tNL ClassBody { dim_decl_t *dim_decl = new_dim_decl(ctx, $2, FALSE, NULL); CHECK_ERROR;
| Storage tIdentifier StSep ClassBody { dim_decl_t *dim_decl = new_dim_decl(ctx, $2, FALSE, NULL); CHECK_ERROR;
$$ = add_dim_prop(ctx, $4, dim_decl, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDIM DimDecl tNL ClassBody { $$ = add_dim_prop(ctx, $4, $2, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| PropertyDecl tNL ClassBody { $$ = add_class_function(ctx, $3, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDIM DimDecl StSep ClassBody { $$ = add_dim_prop(ctx, $4, $2, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| PropertyDecl StSep ClassBody { $$ = add_class_function(ctx, $3, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
: Storage_opt tPROPERTY tGET tIdentifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
: Storage_opt tPROPERTY tGET tIdentifier ArgumentsDecl_opt StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
{ $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $4, FUNC_PROPGET, $1, $5, $7); CHECK_ERROR; }
| Storage_opt tPROPERTY tLET tIdentifier '(' ArgumentDecl ')' tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
| Storage_opt tPROPERTY tLET tIdentifier '(' ArgumentDecl ')' StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
{ $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $4, FUNC_PROPLET, $1, $6, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
| Storage_opt tPROPERTY tSET tIdentifier '(' ArgumentDecl ')' tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
| Storage_opt tPROPERTY tSET tIdentifier '(' ArgumentDecl ')' StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tPROPERTY
{ $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $4, FUNC_PROPSET, $1, $6, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
: Storage_opt tSUB Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tSUB
: Storage_opt tSUB Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tSUB
{ $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $3, FUNC_SUB, $1, $4, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
| Storage_opt tFUNCTION Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tFUNCTION
| Storage_opt tFUNCTION Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tFUNCTION
{ $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $3, FUNC_FUNCTION, $1, $4, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
......@@ -752,6 +752,11 @@ Private Sub TestPrivateSub
End Sub
Call TestPrivateSub
Public Sub TestSeparatorSub : :
End Sub
Call TestSeparatorSub
if false then
Function testfunc
x = true
......@@ -867,6 +872,12 @@ Private Function TestPrivateFunc
End Function
Call TestPrivateFunc
Public Function TestSepFunc(ByVal a) : :
: TestSepFunc = a
End Function
Call ok(TestSepFunc(1) = 1, "Function did not return 1")
' Stop has an effect only in debugging mode
......@@ -1127,6 +1138,30 @@ Class Property2
End Sub
End Class
Class SeparatorTest : : Dim varTest1
Private Sub Class_Initialize : varTest1 = 1
End Sub ::
Property Get Test1() :
Test1 = varTest1
End Property ::
: :
Property Let Test1(a) :
varTest1 = a
End Property :
Public Function AddToTest1(ByVal a) :: :
varTest1 = varTest1 + a
AddToTest1 = varTest1
End Function : End Class : :: Set obj = New SeparatorTest
Call ok(obj.Test1 = 1, "obj.Test1 is not 1")
obj.Test1 = 6
Call ok(obj.Test1 = 6, "obj.Test1 is not 6")
Call ok(obj.Test1 = 11, "obj.Test1 is not 11")
' Array tests
Call ok(getVT(arr) = "VT_EMPTY*", "getVT(arr) = " & getVT(arr))
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