Commit 590bf1be authored by Michael Stefaniuc's avatar Michael Stefaniuc Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcrt: Demangle a C++ mangled string that is only a name with it's template argument list.

parent 4718261e
......@@ -975,6 +975,9 @@ static void test_demangle(void)
{"??0aa$_3a@@QAE@XZ", "public: __thiscall aa$_3a::aa$_3a(void)"},
{"??2?$aaa@AAUbbb@@AAUccc@@AAU2@@ddd@1eee@2@QAEHXZ", "public: int __thiscall eee::eee::ddd::ddd::aaa<struct bbb &,struct ccc &,struct ccc &>::operator new(void)"},
{"?pSW@@3P6GHKPAX0PAU_tagSTACKFRAME@@0P6GH0K0KPAK@ZP6GPAX0K@ZP6GK0K@ZP6GK00PAU_tagADDRESS@@@Z@ZA", "int (__stdcall* pSW)(unsigned long,void *,void *,struct _tagSTACKFRAME *,void *,int (__stdcall*)(void *,unsigned long,void *,unsigned long,unsigned long *),void * (__stdcall*)(void *,unsigned long),unsigned long (__stdcall*)(void *,unsigned long),unsigned long (__stdcall*)(void *,void *,struct _tagADDRESS *))"},
{"?$_aaa@Vbbb@@", "_aaa<class bbb>"},
{"??$_aaa@Vbbb@@", "??$_aaa@Vbbb@@"},
{"?$aaa@Vbbb@ccc@@Vddd@2@", "aaa<class ccc::bbb,class ccc::ddd>"},
int i, num_test = (sizeof(test)/sizeof(test[0]));
char* name;
......@@ -1156,6 +1156,15 @@ static BOOL symbol_demangle(struct parsed_symbol* sym)
sym->stack.start = 1;
else if (*sym->current == '$')
/* Strange construct, it's a name with a template argument list
and that's all. */
sym->result = get_template_name(sym);
ret = TRUE;
goto done;
/* Either a class name, or '@' if the symbol is not a class member */
if (*sym->current != '@')
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