Commit a7caae95 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mshtml: Move BSCallback declaration to navigate.c.

parent 5a04f526
......@@ -235,42 +235,6 @@ typedef struct {
} nsChannel;
typedef struct {
const nsIInputStreamVtbl *lpInputStreamVtbl;
LONG ref;
char buf[1024];
DWORD buf_size;
} nsProtocolStream;
struct BSCallback {
const IBindStatusCallbackVtbl *lpBindStatusCallbackVtbl;
const IServiceProviderVtbl *lpServiceProviderVtbl;
const IHttpNegotiate2Vtbl *lpHttpNegotiate2Vtbl;
const IInternetBindInfoVtbl *lpInternetBindInfoVtbl;
LONG ref;
LPWSTR headers;
HGLOBAL post_data;
ULONG post_data_len;
ULONG readed;
nsChannel *nschannel;
nsIStreamListener *nslistener;
nsISupports *nscontext;
IMoniker *mon;
IBinding *binding;
HTMLDocument *doc;
nsProtocolStream *nsstream;
struct list entry;
typedef struct {
HRESULT (*qi)(HTMLDOMNode*,REFIID,void**);
void (*destructor)(HTMLDOMNode*);
} NodeImplVtbl;
......@@ -41,8 +41,44 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(mshtml);
#define CONTENT_LENGTH "Content-Length"
#define UTF16_STR "utf-16"
typedef struct {
const nsIInputStreamVtbl *lpInputStreamVtbl;
LONG ref;
char buf[1024];
DWORD buf_size;
} nsProtocolStream;
#define NSINSTREAM(x) ((nsIInputStream*) &(x)->lpInputStreamVtbl)
struct BSCallback {
const IBindStatusCallbackVtbl *lpBindStatusCallbackVtbl;
const IServiceProviderVtbl *lpServiceProviderVtbl;
const IHttpNegotiate2Vtbl *lpHttpNegotiate2Vtbl;
const IInternetBindInfoVtbl *lpInternetBindInfoVtbl;
LONG ref;
LPWSTR headers;
HGLOBAL post_data;
ULONG post_data_len;
ULONG readed;
nsChannel *nschannel;
nsIStreamListener *nslistener;
nsISupports *nscontext;
IMoniker *mon;
IBinding *binding;
HTMLDocument *doc;
nsProtocolStream *nsstream;
struct list entry;
#define NSINSTREAM_THIS(iface) DEFINE_THIS(nsProtocolStream, InputStream, iface)
static nsresult NSAPI nsInputStream_QueryInterface(nsIInputStream *iface, nsIIDRef riid,
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