Commit d4544f7f authored by Huw Davies's avatar Huw Davies Committed by Alexandre Julliard

user32: Don't finish tracking when the menu borders or scroll arrows are clicked.

parent e44c0f71
......@@ -665,6 +665,14 @@ MENU_AdjustMenuItemRect(const POPUPMENU *menu, LPRECT rect)
OffsetRect( rect, menu->items_rect.left, menu-> - scroll_offset );
enum hittest
ht_nowhere, /* outside the menu */
ht_border, /* anywhere that's not an item or a scroll arrow */
ht_item, /* a menu item */
ht_scroll_up, /* scroll up arrow */
ht_scroll_down /* scroll down arrow */
* MENU_FindItemByCoords
......@@ -672,30 +680,61 @@ MENU_AdjustMenuItemRect(const POPUPMENU *menu, LPRECT rect)
* Find the item at the specified coordinates (screen coords). Does
* not work for child windows and therefore should not be called for
* an arbitrary system menu.
* Returns a hittest code. *pos will contain the position of the
* item or NO_SELECTED_ITEM. If the hittest code is ht_scroll_up
* or ht_scroll_down then *pos will contain the position of the
* item that's just outside the items_rect - ie, the one that would
* be scrolled completely into view.
static MENUITEM *MENU_FindItemByCoords( const POPUPMENU *menu,
POINT pt, UINT *pos )
static enum hittest MENU_FindItemByCoords( const POPUPMENU *menu, POINT pt, UINT *pos )
RECT rect;
enum hittest ht = ht_border;
if (!GetWindowRect(menu->hWnd, &rect) || !PtInRect(&rect, pt))
return ht_nowhere;
if (!GetWindowRect(menu->hWnd, &rect)) return NULL;
if (GetWindowLongW( menu->hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) pt.x = rect.right - 1 - pt.x;
else pt.x -= rect.left;
pt.y -=;
if (!PtInRect(&menu->items_rect, pt))
if (!menu->bScrolling || pt.x < menu->items_rect.left || pt.x >= menu->items_rect.right)
return ht_border;
/* On a scroll arrow. Update pt so that it points to the item just outside items_rect */
if (pt.y < menu->
ht = ht_scroll_up;
pt.y = menu-> - 1;
ht = ht_scroll_down;
pt.y = menu->items_rect.bottom;
item = menu->items;
for (i = 0; i < menu->nItems; i++, item++)
rect = item->rect;
MENU_AdjustMenuItemRect(menu, &rect);
if (PtInRect(&rect, pt))
if (pos) *pos = i;
return item;
if (PtInRect(&rect, pt))
*pos = i;
if (ht != ht_scroll_up && ht != ht_scroll_down) ht = ht_item;
return NULL;
return ht;
......@@ -2549,29 +2588,28 @@ static BOOL MENU_ButtonDown( MTRACKER* pmt, HMENU hPtMenu, UINT wFlags )
if (hPtMenu)
UINT id = 0;
POPUPMENU *ptmenu = MENU_GetMenu( hPtMenu );
UINT pos;
POPUPMENU *ptmenu = MENU_GetMenu( hPtMenu );
enum hittest ht = ht_nowhere;
if( IS_SYSTEM_MENU(ptmenu) )
item = ptmenu->items;
item = MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &id );
if( IS_SYSTEM_MENU(ptmenu) )
pos = 0;
ht = MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &pos );
if( item )
if( ptmenu->FocusedItem != id )
MENU_SwitchTracking( pmt, hPtMenu, id, wFlags );
if (pos != NO_SELECTED_ITEM)
if (ptmenu->FocusedItem != pos)
MENU_SwitchTracking( pmt, hPtMenu, pos, wFlags );
/* If the popup menu is not already "popped" */
if(!(item->fState & MF_MOUSESELECT ))
pmt->hCurrentMenu = MENU_ShowSubPopup( pmt->hOwnerWnd, hPtMenu, FALSE, wFlags );
/* If the popup menu is not already "popped" */
if (!(ptmenu->items[pos].fState & MF_MOUSESELECT))
pmt->hCurrentMenu = MENU_ShowSubPopup( pmt->hOwnerWnd, hPtMenu, FALSE, wFlags );
return TRUE;
/* Else the click was on the menu bar, finish the tracking */
/* A click on an item or anywhere on a popup keeps tracking going */
if (ht == ht_item || ((ptmenu->wFlags & MF_POPUP) && ht != ht_nowhere))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -2590,20 +2628,19 @@ static INT MENU_ButtonUp( MTRACKER* pmt, HMENU hPtMenu, UINT wFlags)
if (hPtMenu)
UINT id = 0;
UINT pos;
POPUPMENU *ptmenu = MENU_GetMenu( hPtMenu );
if( IS_SYSTEM_MENU(ptmenu) )
item = ptmenu->items;
item = MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &id );
pos = 0;
else if (MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &pos ) != ht_item)
if( item && (ptmenu->FocusedItem == id ))
if (pos != NO_SELECTED_ITEM && (ptmenu->FocusedItem == pos))
debug_print_menuitem ("FocusedItem: ", item, "");
debug_print_menuitem ("FocusedItem: ", &ptmenu->items[pos], "");
if( !(item->fType & MF_POPUP) )
if (!(ptmenu->items[pos].fType & MF_POPUP))
INT executedMenuId = MENU_ExecFocusedItem( pmt, hPtMenu, wFlags);
if (executedMenuId == -1 || executedMenuId == -2) return -1;
......@@ -2638,8 +2675,8 @@ static BOOL MENU_MouseMove( MTRACKER* pmt, HMENU hPtMenu, UINT wFlags )
ptmenu = MENU_GetMenu( hPtMenu );
if( IS_SYSTEM_MENU(ptmenu) )
id = 0;
MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &id );
else if (MENU_FindItemByCoords( ptmenu, pmt->pt, &id ) != ht_item)
if( id == NO_SELECTED_ITEM )
......@@ -2650,8 +2687,8 @@ static BOOL MENU_MouseMove( MTRACKER* pmt, HMENU hPtMenu, UINT wFlags )
else if( ptmenu->FocusedItem != id )
MENU_SwitchTracking( pmt, hPtMenu, id, wFlags );
pmt->hCurrentMenu = MENU_ShowSubPopup(pmt->hOwnerWnd, hPtMenu, FALSE, wFlags);
MENU_SwitchTracking( pmt, hPtMenu, id, wFlags );
pmt->hCurrentMenu = MENU_ShowSubPopup(pmt->hOwnerWnd, hPtMenu, FALSE, wFlags);
return TRUE;
......@@ -5254,7 +5291,7 @@ INT WINAPI MenuItemFromPoint(HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu, POINT ptScreen)
/*FIXME: Do we have to handle hWnd here? */
if (!menu) return -1;
if (!MENU_FindItemByCoords(menu, ptScreen, &pos)) return -1;
if (MENU_FindItemByCoords( menu, ptScreen, &pos ) != ht_item) return -1;
return pos;
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