Commit ee365ad6 authored by Alexandra Panyukova's avatar Alexandra Panyukova

kde3-styles-splash added

parent 5072ca13
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ all:
convert graphics/backgrounds/wallpaper.png -fill '#c62530' -font /usr/share/fonts/ttf/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf -style Normal -weight Normal -pointsize 20 -gravity northeast -draw 'text 25,25 "@STATUS@"' prototype.png
cp -al prototype.png graphics/backgrounds/default.png
cp -al background.png graphics/backgrounds/xdm.png
convert images/background.png -fill '#c62530' -font /usr/share/fonts/ttf/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf -style Normal -weight Normal -pointsize 20 -gravity northeast -draw 'text 25,25 "@STATUS@"' kde3-styles-splash/Background.jpg
convert -resize '400x320!' images/background.png kde3-styles-splash/Preview.png
# cp -al prototype.png kde3-styles-splash/Background.png
convert alterator/images/background.png -resize '800x600!' -fill '#c62530' -font /usr/share/fonts/ttf/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf -style Normal -weight Normal -pointsize 20 -gravity northeast -draw 'text 25,25 "@STATUS@"' alterator/design/bg.png
# console background
cp -al images/console.jpg bootsplash/images/bootsplash-800x600.jpg
......@@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
[KSplash Theme: ALTLinux@NAME@]
Description = @BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ @STATUS@ Default KDE Splash Theme
Description[ru] = Заставка KDE по умолчанию для @BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ @STATUS@
Version = @VERSION@
Author = Alexandra Panyukova <>
Author[ru] = Александра Панюкова <>
Homepage =
Engine = Moodin
BeginOpacity = 0.1
BaseResolution = 800,600
UseIconSet = true
IconSetSize = 48
Image1 = kcmsystem
Image2 = kcontrol
Image3 = kcmpci
Image7 = gohome
Image8 = kmenu
ImageCoords1 = 36,100
ImageCoords2 = 140,100
ImageCoords3 = 234,100
ImageCoords4 = 328,100
ImageCoords5 = 422,100
ImageCoords6 = 516,100
ImageCoords7 = 610,100
ImageCoords8 = 704,100
Labels = 1
StatusCoords = -400,80
ImageOffset1 = 0,20
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