• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    documentation: use paths relative to toplevel dir · 3f547e25
    Michael Shigorin authored
    This change is done to reduce ambiguity in some cases;
    the previous intention has been to ease navigation when
    staying in a particular directory, now it's been changed
    in favour of convenient toplevel `git grep' in fact.
    Both variants have their pros and cons, I just find myself
    leaning to this one by now hence the commit.  Feel free to
    provide constructive criticism :)
    Some path-related bitrot has also been fixed while at that.
07-kernel 437 Bytes
# predictable file locations make bootloader configuration simple;
# this script relates to features.in/stage2/stage1/scripts.d/80-make-initfs

kver="$(rpm -qa 'kernel-image*' \
            --qf '%{installtime} %{version}-%{name}-%{release}\n' \
        | sort -n \
        | tail -n 1 \
        | cut -f 2 -d ' ' \
        | sed 's/kernel-image-//')"

ln -s vmlinuz-$kver /boot/vmlinuz
ln -s initrd-$kver.img /boot/initrd.img