Commit 52e824ab authored by Mikhail Efremov's avatar Mikhail Efremov Committed by Michael Shigorin

slinux: Use un-def kernel

parent 7fc57a9c
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use/slinux: use/x11
use/slinux/base: use/isohybrid use/slinux use/x11/xorg use/x11/lightdm/gtk +pulse use/luks \
+plymouth +nm use/x11/gtk/nm use/memtest +systemd +wireless +vmguest use/l10n/default/ru_RU use/live/x11 \
use/branding/complete; @:
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,un-def)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,gnome-p2p)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,slinux/games-base)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,slinux/graphics-base)
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