Commit c903e3b0 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin initial suite

These images have been tested on an Elbrus-401 PC.
parent a2f2cd93
ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
vm/live-e2k: vm/bare use/e2k use/deflogin/live
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,openssh)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,ve tools))
vm/rescue-e2k: vm/live-e2k use/tty/S0 use/net-eth/dhcp
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,agetty gpm fdisk parted smartmontools pv sshfs)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,server && (network || extra)))
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_DISABLE,gpm smartd)
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