Commit f7172ed0 authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

workstation/voip-clients: replace linphone with gnome-calls

linphone is not available in p11.
parent 0d6e872b
[Desktop Entry] [Desktop Entry]
Encoding=UTF-8 Encoding=UTF-8
Type=Directory Type=Directory
Name=Internet telephony (Linphone) Name=Internet telephony (GNOME Calls)
Name[ru_RU]=Интернет-телефония (Linphone) Name[ru_RU]=Интернет-телефония (GNOME Calls)
X-Alterator-PackageList=workstation/voip-clients X-Alterator-PackageList=workstation/voip-clients
X-Alterator-Required=no X-Alterator-Required=no
X-Alterator-Parent=workstation/20-networking X-Alterator-Parent=workstation/20-networking
#linphone@X86 gnome-calls
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