Commit a5b1a7a3 authored by Victor Ananjevsky's avatar Victor Ananjevsky

bump version. update NEWS file. prepare to release

parent 13dd560e
Version 6.0
- add --use-interp option. this feature can reduce quoting in command arguments
- add link field to --form dialog
- returning customizable options for --text-info dialog
- fix yad behavior outside X11 (spetial thanks to Michael Weiser)
- improve dialog window placement
- update translations
Version 5.0
- add debug mode. this feature can be turned on through gsettings.
in this mode yad will warn about obsolete or nonexistent options
AC_INIT([YAD], [5.0], [], yad, [])
AC_INIT([YAD], [6.0], [], yad, [])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 foreign dist-xz no-dist-gzip])
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