1. 12 Jul, 2012 2 commits
  2. 08 Feb, 2012 3 commits
    • Julius Plenz's avatar
      Update README · 404fa61a
      Julius Plenz authored
    • Julius Plenz's avatar
      little code cleanup · 477e69c8
      Julius Plenz authored
    • Julius Plenz's avatar
      handle stdout correctly if it's a file · fd9969ec
      Julius Plenz authored
      When you invoke "tar cfv <tarball> <files>", then tar will close all
      active file descriptors it has, forks, then opens the target tarball
      as fd 1 (stdout). Then, it'll exec "gzip -", which *inherits* a stdout
      which is a file.
      Now we duplicate this stdout if it's a regular file so that we can
      advise it later. (The original will be closed via the _exit() routine,
      probably, which uses direct syscall that we cannot intercept.)
  3. 07 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Julius Plenz's avatar
      Intercept dup2() · e033127e
      Julius Plenz authored
      Thus, also shell redirection -- which makes heavy use of dup2() --  is handled
          $ cachestats /tmp/foo
          open: No such file or directory
          $ nocache sh -c 'echo foo > /tmp/foo'
          $ cachestats /tmp/foo
          pages in cache: 0/1 (0.0%)  [filesize=0.0K, pagesize=4K]
  4. 06 Feb, 2012 15 commits
  5. 05 Feb, 2012 5 commits
  6. 04 Feb, 2012 7 commits
  7. 03 Feb, 2012 6 commits