Commit 47d0ea1b authored by Alan Coopersmith's avatar Alan Coopersmith Committed by Ulrich Sibiller

Move big request comment in XOpenDisplay to the right place

parent 4988e9bd
......@@ -713,6 +713,9 @@ fallback_success:
#endif /* !USE_XCB */
* get availability of large requests
dpy->bigreq_size = xcb_get_maximum_request_length(dpy->xcb->connection);
if(dpy->bigreq_size <= dpy->max_request_size)
dpy->bigreq_size = 0;
......@@ -740,7 +743,6 @@ fallback_success:
(void) XSynchronize(dpy, _Xdebug);
* get availability of large requests, and
* get the resource manager database off the root window.
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