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# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
#                 Dawn Endico <>
#                 Dan Mosedale <>
#                 Joe Robins <>
#                 Jake <>
#                 J. Paul Reed <>
#                 Bradley Baetz <>
#                 Christopher Aillon <>

package Bugzilla::Config;

use strict;

use base qw(Exporter);

use Bugzilla::Util;

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
# Under mod_perl, get this from a .htaccess config variable,
# and/or default from the current 'real' dir
# At some stage after this, it may be possible for these dir locations
# to go into localconfig. localconfig can't be specified in a config file,
# except possibly with mod_perl. If you move localconfig, you need to change
# the define here.
# $libpath is really only for mod_perl; its not yet possible to move the
# .pms elsewhere.
# $webdotdir must be in the webtree somewhere. Even if you use a local dot,
# we output images to there. Also, if $webdot dir is not relative to the
# bugzilla root directory, you'll need to change showdependancygraph.cgi to
# set image_url to the correct location.
# The script should really generate these graphs directly...
# Note that if $libpath is changed, some stuff will break, notably dependancy
# graphs (since the path will be wrong in the HTML). This will be fixed at
# some point.

our $libpath = '.';
our $localconfig = "$libpath/localconfig";
our $datadir = "$libpath/data";
our $templatedir = "$libpath/template";
our $webdotdir = "$datadir/webdot";

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
# Module stuff
@Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT = qw(Param);

# Don't export localvars by default - people should have to explicitly
# ask for it, as a (probably futile) attempt to stop code using it
# when it shouldn't
# ChmodDataFile is here until that stuff all moves out of
# into this file
68 69
@Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT_OK = qw(ChmodDataFile);

70 71 72
%Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT_TAGS =
   admin => [qw(GetParamList UpdateParams SetParam WriteParams)],
   db => [qw($db_host $db_port $db_name $db_user $db_pass $db_sock)],
   locations => [qw($libpath $localconfig $datadir $templatedir $webdotdir)],
Exporter::export_ok_tags('admin', 'db', 'locations');
77 78

# Bugzilla version
$Bugzilla::Config::VERSION = "2.17.7";
80 81 82 83

use Safe;

use vars qw(@param_list);
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

# Data::Dumper is required as needed, below. The problem is that then when
# the code locally sets $Data::Dumper::Foo, this triggers 'used only once'
# warnings.
# We can't predeclare another package's vars, though, so just use them
    local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys;
    local $Data::Dumper::Terse;
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent;

95 96 97 98 99 100 101
my %param;


# XXX - mod_perl - need to register Apache init handler for params
sub _load_datafiles {
    # read in localconfig variables
    do $localconfig;

    if (-e "$datadir/params") {
105 106 107 108 109
        # Handle reading old param files by munging the symbol table
        # Don't have to do this if we use safe mode, since its evaled
        # in a sandbox where $foo is in the same module as $::foo
        #local *::param = \%param;

        # Note that sets file permissions on '$datadir/params'
111 112 113 114 115 116

        # Using Safe mode is _not_ a guarantee of safety if someone does
        # manage to write to the file. However, it won't hurt...
        # See bug 165144 for not needing to eval this at all
        my $s = new Safe;

117 118 119
        die "Error reading $datadir/params: $!" if $!;
        die "Error evaluating $datadir/params: $@" if $@;
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129

        # Now read the param back out from the sandbox
        %param = %{$s->varglob('param')};

# Load in the datafiles

# Load in the param defintions
130 131 132 133 134
unless (my $ret = do '') {
    die "Couldn't parse $@" if $@;
    die "Couldn't do $!" unless defined $ret;
    die "Couldn't run" unless $ret;
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149

# Stick the params into a hash
my %params;
foreach my $item (@param_list) {
    $params{$item->{'name'}} = $item;


# Subroutines go here

sub Param {
    my ($param) = @_;

    # By this stage, the param must be in the hash
    die "Can't find param named $param" unless (exists $params{$param});

152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
    # When module startup code runs (which is does even via -c, when using
    # |use|), we may try to grab params which don't exist yet. This affects
    # tests, so have this as a fallback for the -c case
    return $params{$param}->{default} if ($^C && not exists $param{$param});

    # If we have a value for the param, return it
    return $param{$param} if exists $param{$param};

    # Else error out
    die "No value for param $param (try running again)";
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

sub GetParamList {
    return @param_list;

sub SetParam {
    my ($name, $value) = @_;

    die "Unknown param $name" unless (exists $params{$name});

    my $entry = $params{$name};

    # sanity check the value
176 177 178 179 180

    # XXX - This runs the checks. Which would be good, except that
    # check_shadowdb creates the database as a sideeffect, and so the
    # checker fails the second time arround...
    if ($name ne 'shadowdb' && exists $entry->{'checker'}) {
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
        my $err = $entry->{'checker'}->($value, $entry);
        die "Param $name is not valid: $err" unless $err eq '';

    $param{$name} = $value;

sub UpdateParams {

    # Note that this isn't particuarly 'clean' in terms of separating
    # the backend code (ie this) from the actual params.
    # We don't care about that, though

    # Old bugzilla versions stored the version number in the params file
    # We don't want it, so get rid of it
    delete $param{'version'};

    # Change from a boolean for quips to multi-state
200 201
    if (exists $param{'usequip'} && !exists $param{'enablequips'}) {
        $param{'enablequips'} = $param{'usequip'} ? 'on' : 'off';
202 203 204
        delete $param{'usequip'};

205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
    # Change from old product groups to controls for group_control_map
    # 2002-10-14 bug 147275
    if (exists $param{'usebuggroups'} && !exists $param{'makeproductgroups'}) {
        $param{'makeproductgroups'} = $param{'usebuggroups'};
    if (exists $param{'usebuggroupsentry'} 
       && !exists $param{'useentrygroupdefault'}) {
        $param{'useentrygroupdefault'} = $param{'usebuggroupsentry'};

215 216 217 218 219
    # Modularise auth code
    if (exists $param{'useLDAP'} && !exists $param{'loginmethod'}) {
        $param{'loginmethod'} = $param{'useLDAP'} ? "LDAP" : "DB";

220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233

    foreach my $item (@param_list) {
        my $name = $item->{'name'};
        $param{$name} = $item->{'default'} unless exists $param{$name};

    # --- REMOVE OLD PARAMS ---

    my @oldparams = ();

    # Remove any old params
    foreach my $item (keys %param) {
        if (!grep($_ eq $item, map ($_->{'name'}, @param_list))) {
234 235
            require Data::Dumper;

236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
            local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
            local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
            push (@oldparams, [$item, Data::Dumper->Dump([$param{$item}])]);
            delete $param{$item};

    return @oldparams;

246 247
sub WriteParams {
    require Data::Dumper;

249 250 251
    # This only has an affect for Data::Dumper >= 2.12 (ie perl >= 5.8.0)
    # Its just cosmetic, though, so that doesn't matter
    local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

    require File::Temp;
    my ($fh, $tmpname) = File::Temp::tempfile('params.XXXXX',
                                              DIR => $datadir );
256 257 258 259 260 261

    print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([ \%param ], [ '*param' ]))
      || die "Can't write param file: $!";

    close $fh;

262 263
    rename $tmpname, "$datadir/params"
      || die "Can't rename $tmpname to $datadir/params: $!";

    ChmodDataFile("$datadir/params", 0666);
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276

# Some files in the data directory must be world readable iff we don't have
# a webserver group. Call this function to do this.
# This will become a private function once all the datafile handling stuff
# moves into this package

# This sub is not perldoc'd for that reason - noone should know about it
sub ChmodDataFile {
    my ($file, $mask) = @_;
    my $perm = 0770;
    if ((stat($datadir))[2] & 0002) {
278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
        $perm = 0777;
    $perm = $perm & $mask;
    chmod $perm,$file;

sub check_multi {
    my ($value, $param) = (@_);

    if ($param->{'type'} eq "s") {
        unless (lsearch($param->{'choices'}, $value) >= 0) {
            return "Invalid choice '$value' for single-select list param '$param'";

        return "";
    elsif ($param->{'type'} eq "m") {
        foreach my $chkParam (@$value) {
            unless (lsearch($param->{'choices'}, $chkParam) >= 0) {
                return "Invalid choice '$chkParam' for multi-select list param '$param'";

        return "";
    else {
        return "Invalid param type '$param->{'type'}' for check_multi(); " .
          "contact your Bugzilla administrator";

sub check_numeric {
    my ($value) = (@_);
    if ($value !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
        return "must be a numeric value";
    return "";

sub check_regexp {
    my ($value) = (@_);
    eval { qr/$value/ };
    return $@;

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390


=head1 NAME

Bugzilla::Config - Configuration parameters for Bugzilla


  # Getting parameters
  use Bugzilla::Config;

  my $fooSetting = Param('foo');

  # Administration functions
  use Bugzilla::Config qw(:admin);

  my @valid_params = GetParamList();
  my @removed_params = UpgradeParams();
  SetParam($param, $value);

  # Localconfig variables may also be imported
  use Bugzilla::Config qw(:db);
  print "Connecting to $db_name as $db_user with $db_pass\n";


This package contains ways to access Bugzilla configuration parameters.


=head2 Parameters

Parameters can be set, retrieved, and updated.

=over 4

=item C<Param($name)>

Returns the Param with the specified name. Either a string, or, in the case
of multiple-choice parameters, an array reference.

=item C<GetParamList()>

Returns the list of known parameter types, from Users should not
rely on this method; it is intended for editparams/doeditparams only

The format for the list is specified in

=item C<SetParam($name, $value)>

Sets the param named $name to $value. Values are checked using the checker
function for the given param if one exists.

=item C<UpdateParams()>

Updates the parameters, by transitioning old params to new formats, setting
defaults for new params, and removing obsolete ones.

Any removed params are returned in a list, with elements [$item, $oldvalue]
where $item is the entry in the param list.

=item C<WriteParams()>

Writes the parameters to disk.

391 392

393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426
=head2 Parameter checking functions

All parameter checking functions are called with two parameters:

=over 4

=item *

The new value for the parameter

=item *

A reference to the entry in the param list for this parameter


Functions should return error text, or the empty string if there was no error.

=over 4

=item C<check_multi>

Checks that a multi-valued parameter (ie type C<s> or type C<m>) satisfies
its contraints.

=item C<check_numeric>

Checks that the value is a valid number

=item C<check_regexp>

Checks that the value is a valid regexp
